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P R E S I D E N T: Jess Baggetta

Hometown: North Canton, Ohio

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory: 

It is hard to narrow all the amazing experiences I've had with Alpha Phi down to a favorite, so I will share one of my many. I loved having my mom here for mom's weekend and Red Dress Gala! My mom wasn't involved in greek life so it's awesome showing her around. Red Dress Gala is a blast and it gives you the chance to dress up, shop and eat with your mom.... nothing better than that.


V. P. O F  R I S K  M A N A G E M E N T: Sophie Ryan

Hometown: Boston, Massachusets

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Marketing

Minor: Arts Management

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory:

My favorite Alpha Phi memory was receiving my bid on bid day. I remember anxiously waiting in Millett to open my card and holding it up to the light to see if I could see the words alpha phi through the envelope. Once I opened the envelope, I sprinted over to my screaming sisters. All of the energy, excitement and joy is something I'll never forget!

V. P. O F  C H A P T E R  O P E R A T I O N S:  Leanne Zappia 

Hometown: Strongsville, Ohio

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Finance

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory:

I still remember calling my mom after the philanthropy round freshman year during rush and telling her I knew I had to be an Alpha Phi. When bid day came, the excitement and happiness I received when I opened my envelope was overwhelming. 




V. P. O F  M A R K E T I N G: Nicole Bennett

Hometown: Medina, Ohio

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Strategic Communications

Minors: Supply Chain Management and Fashion Design

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory:

When I think about my favorite Alpha Phi memory, no single moment stands out to me. When I think of Alpha Phi, I think of the countless laughs I have had with my sisters. It gave me my perfect big and little, as well as the most amazing girls to surround myself with every single day. All the memories in Alpha Phi made me realize I am exactly where I am supposed to be. 


V. P.  O F  R E C R U I T M E N T: Taylor Waid

Hometown: Youngstown, Ohio

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Marketing

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory: 

Falling at pref round and being surrounded by the most amazing girls that helped me laugh it off was by far my favorite Alpha Phi memory. I knew Alpha Phi was home right away!

V. P. O F  C A M P U S  A F F A I R S: Hannah Silverman 

Hometown:  Cincinnati, Ohio

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: AYA Social Studies Education

Minor: History

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory: 

My favorite moments of Alpha Phi all come from living in the corridor. Being with your pledge class all the time is the most fun you will have. You have dozens of closets, study buddies and sisters all around you at all times. So crazy and SO fun!




D i r e c t o r  o f  F i n a n c e: Paige Ament

Hometown: Orono, Minnesota

Graduation Year: 2019

Major: Finance

Minor: Supply Chain Management

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory: 

All of second semester of my freshman year was my favorite memory because I met my best friends for life in Alpha Phi. 




D i r e c t o r  o f  A d m i n i s t r a t i o n: Colleen Gray

Hometown: Perrysburg, Ohio

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Early Childhood Education 

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory: 

Definitely hard to pick just one, but big little reveal was so exciting. My big Mackenzie and I didn't know each other before, and now I couldn't imagine life without her! 


P a n H e l l e n i c  D e l e g a t e: Ashley Williams

Hometown: Cincinnati Ohio 

Graduation Year: 2019

Major: Finance

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory: 

I had so much fun meeting all my crazy new sisters right after rush through participating in POTH. We met up weekly in the suite dancing and laughing the night away. Finally, we all came together and rocked the stage raising money for DZ's philanthropy. It was an amazing experience bonding with my new pledge class and helping other sororities impact the community at the same time. 

S i s t e r h o o d  C h a i r: Seraiah Wells 

Hometown:  Westerville, Ohio 

Graduation Year: 2019

Major: Strategic Communications and Fashion Corporate Business 

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory: 

My favorite memory in Alpha Phi was the excitement on bid day. I ran into the arms of a random girl just because she was wearing the same shirt as me. She kept apologizing for breaking my name tag and next thing you know, she became my big. It was the most exciting moment because it was the start of a new journey for my entire pledge class.


V. P. O F  P R O G R A M M I N G: Delaney Clayton 

Hometown: Worthington, Ohio

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Biochemistry

Favorite Alpha Phi Memory: 

It was meeting my little and praying she would choose Alpha Phi during recruitment. It was so exciting seeing my favorite PNM wearing the ivy leaf on bid day, taking her in as my first phi friend and finally getting to welcome her with open arms into my phi-family. 


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